Life and love
John wrote his gospel so that by believing in Jesus “you might have life in his name” (20:30-31). This theme dominates the first 12...
His love for us... and in us
17:24-26 The prayer ends with some final requests which indicate Jesus’s deep love for us. First he prays for us to be with him where he...
Why unity is essential
17:23 This verse brings to a head much of what Jesus has prayed in the previous two verses (21-22). He longs for his people to have the...
“That they may be one”
17:20-22 Having prayed first for himself and then for his disciples, Jesus goes on to pray for all who will become believers as a result...
In the world but not of it
17:14-19 The disciples will certainly need God’s protection, for both the world (14) and the devil (15) will be their enemies. The word...
Holiness, unity and joy
17:11-13 Jesus knows that his return to the Father (11,13) will result in the disciples being in the world without the protection of his...
Jesus delights in his disciples
17:6-10 Knowing that he is about to return to the Father, Jesus goes on to pray for his disciples. This small group represented the...
The glory of the Son
17:1-5 This prayer is the climax of all that Jesus said to his disciples that night. Throughout the gospel, he has been moving towards...
John 13-16 Recap
Throughout Lent, these daily blogs commented on the teaching in John 13-16 which Jesus gave to his disciples on the eve of his death....