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His love for us... and in us

The prayer ends with some final requests which indicate Jesus’s deep love for us. First he prays for us to be with him where he is, and to see his glory (24; 17:1). Through his work on earth his glory had been revealed (2:11; 17:4), climaxing now in his death on the cross (12:23). But here he looks beyond that to the eternal glory which belongs to him in heaven, in the Father’s love, and which we will share with him (17:5; Rom.8:17-18).


Until then, we live in an unrighteous world but with a “righteous Father” (25) who Jesus has made known. The knowledge of God is a dynamic relationship made possible by Jesus (17:3), and which is an ongoing reality by his Spirit: “I will continue to make you known to them” (26). That’s his promise to us, and so we should expect to keep on growing in our experience of him (Col.1:10; 2 Pet.3:18).


The purpose of this revelation to us is then stated clearly and it sums up the whole burden of Jesus in his farewell teaching and prayer. He wants the same love that the Father has for him to be in us (26). There can be no deeper love than that and he wants us to know that love for ourselves in the depths of our being, through knowing Jesus himself living within us (14:20,23).

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