How to remain in his love
15:9-10 Jesus has made clear that the key to fruitfulness is to remain in him (4). It’s only through his life in us that we can bear...
“This is to my Father’s glory”
15:6-8 So the reason becomes apparent why some branches are fruitless and therefore cut off – it’s because they do not remain in the vine...
“Remain in me”
15:3-5 Though the Father prunes (literally cleanses) the living wood in order to produce maximum fruit (15:2), this is not the basis of...
Jesus, the true vine
15:1-2 In the Old Testament Israel is said to be God’s vine (Psalm 80:8-16; Isaiah 5:1-7; Jer.2:21). But these passages all speak of...
Overcoming the world
14:30-31 The word world refers to the planet we live on and also to those who live on it, humankind loved by God (3:16). But because...
“I am going to the Father”
14:28-29 The announcement by Jesus that he is about to leave them (13:33) has caused them great anxiety and consternation. So Jesus...
The Holy Spirit, our teacher
14:25-27 While he can, Jesus takes this opportunity to impress these profound truths on his disciples (25). But his departure won’t mean...
"We will make our home..."
14:22-24 The question in v22 shows that the disciples were still expecting that the revelation of Jesus would be something public. So the...
Love and obedience
14:21 Jesus’s own relationship with the Father is rooted in a love which leads to glad and willing obedience. He expresses this clearly...
The resurrection and you
14:18-20 So the Spirit will be sent by the Father once Jesus has completed his work on earth (7:39). Jesus is about to return to the...