Easter & Pentecost
The first part of John's gospel (chps.1-12) contains the message of eternal life which is given freely to all who believe in Jesus. The final part (chps.18-21) tells about the death and resurrection of Jesus which is the basis of that life. In between these two sections is the teaching that Jesus gave to his disciples on the eve of his crucifixion about how he will send the Holy Spirit to them so that they can continue his work on earth after his own return to the Father.
So these are great chapters to read and to think about between Easter and Pentecost. A daily reading and short blog on this home page will take us through the whole section.
If you would like to read the previous blogs on John 1-12 and 18-21, please click here.
A set of six talks on John 2-12 by the Emmanuel Church, Saltburn, speaking team is still available on the LENT 2021 page.
Daily blogs on John 13-17
For today's reading and a short comment based on it, click on the heading in the white box below.
Pentecost Prayer:
"Holy Spirit, Living Breath of God"
A Daily Prayer
Christ, as a light illumine and guide me.
Christ, as a shield overshadow me.
Christ under me; Christ over me;
Christ beside me on my left and my right.
This day be within and without me,
lowly and meek, yet all-powerful.
Be in the heart of each to whom I speak;
in the mouth of each who speaks unto me.
This day be within and without me,
lowly and meek, yet all-powerful.
Christ as a light; Christ as a shield;
Christ beside me on my left and my right.
John Michael Talbot © Northumbria Community
Used with permission