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The resurrection and you

So the Spirit will be sent by the Father once Jesus has completed his work on earth (7:39). Jesus is about to return to the Father and the prospect of him leaving causes the disciples to feel afraid and abandoned – he has been like a father to them and they are about to be orphaned. But the reason that he is going is so that he can send the Spirit to be with them and in them (14:16-17).


Even apart from the gift of the Spirit, the disciples didn’t need to be afraid, for Jesus promises to come to them again (18). Here he is speaking of his appearances after the resurrection, which will demonstrate to them that his saving work has been accomplished. That will have personal significance for each of them, for the resurrection is the basis of eternal life for all believers – “Because I live, you also will live” (19).


Moreover, the resurrection will convince them of his union with the Father – that all the claims he has made about being God’s Son are true (Rom.1:4). In which case, the resurrection should also confirm to us the reality of our own promised union with him. “On that day you will realise that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you” (20). The resurrection guarantees his promises.

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