With you and within you
14:15-17 Love and obedience will be a recurring emphasis in what Jesus teaches them that night, because these are key to living in union...
Praying in the name of Jesus
John 14:13-14 The phrase “in my name” is the important condition to the wonderful promise about prayer which Jesus made several times to...
The ongoing works of Jesus
John 14:12 Jesus has spoken about the Father’s work (10) and the works (i.e. the miracles) that he has done (11) and he now goes on to...
The Father living in Jesus
John 14:10-11 In the past God had sent many prophets to the Jewish people, with messages from him. But Jesus is not merely the greatest...
Seeing the Father
John 14:7-9 The reason that Jesus is the way to the Father (6) is the intimate relationship which exists between the Father and the Son....
"The way, the truth, the life"
John 14:5-6 The disciples have been slow to realise that Jesus is the way to heaven (4-5) so now he proclaims it clearly to them (6)....
“That you may be where I am”
John 14:3-4 “These three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love” (1 Cor.13:13). These words of Paul echo the...
"In my Father's house"
John 14:1-2 It’s not surprising that by now the disciples are getting worried! Peter is still so pre-occupied with the bombshell that...
"Love one another"
John 13:34-35 And so we come to the very first instruction which Jesus gives to his disciples in this long farewell discourse: the new...
The cross is the place of glory
John 13:31-33 The washing of the disciples’ feet by Jesus lays the foundation for the long section of teaching he is about to give them...