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"Love one another"

And so we come to the very first instruction which Jesus gives to his disciples in this long farewell discourse: the new command, to love one another. The command to “love your neighbour as yourself” is present in the Old Testament (Lev.19:18) but Jesus gives to love such an increased prominence and emphasis that he can describe it as new. Just in these two verses the phrase “love one another” occurs three times! In particular, it is new because it is founded on the basis of his love for them – “as I have loved you”.


He has already that evening shown them “the full extent of his love” (13:1) by pointing to his death which will bring them into a new relationship with him. This is the new basis of the love which we are to have for one another and the new example of what love looks like: “You should do as I have done for you” (13:15).


In this way, love is defined and demonstrated by Jesus, and such love must be the defining hallmark and characteristic of Christians. It’s only as we live out the kind of love which Jesus has for us that people will recognise that we are truly his disciples. There’s nothing more important for us to know. And to do. (35; Eph.5:1-2; 1 John 3:16,23; 1 John 4:11,19).

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