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The way to be blessed

This is not the first time that Jesus has pointed out to his disciples that “no servant is greater than his master” and he will remind them of it again later this same evening (16; Matt.10:24; Luke 6:40; John 15:20). So it is most certainly true that the example he has set them is one which he expects them to follow, “that you should do as I have done for you” (15).


But what exactly was it that he had done for them? As we’ve seen, his washing of their feet was an act of lowly service, but one which pointed to an even greater humbling and greater service – his death on the cross (Mark 10:45; Phil.2:6-8). So the example he has set us is not merely (!) to behave kindly and humbly towards others. That’s a good starting place, and often that seems like challenge enough. But more radically still, just as “Jesus Christ laid down his life for us, we ought to lay down our lives for one another” (1 John 3:16).


How on earth can we ever do that? Well, that’s the importance of the “How” teaching in John 14-15 which we will come to. But for now we need to be clear that this is “What” fruitfulness looks like. And, just as it was for Jesus, it’s the way of blessing and of honour (17; John 12:23-26; Phil. 2:9-11).

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