The way to be blessed
John 13:15-17 This is not the first time that Jesus has pointed out to his disciples that “no servant is greater than his master” and he...
The Teacher's example
John 13:12-14 When Jesus washed his disciples’ feet he was doing far more than giving them an example of humble service. It was an acted...
Cleanse me and fill me
John 13:9-11 Peter’s initial insistence that he will never let Jesus wash his feet (8) is turned on its head when he realises that it’s...
"Unless I wash you..."
John 13:6-8 It’s not surprising that the disciples were taken aback when Jesus got up part-way through the meal and started washing their...
The full extent of his love
John 13:1-5 Life is the keyword in John 1-12, with love scarcely mentioned. But that’s reversed in John 13-17, with love used 31 times...
Living out the Life within
John tells us that his primary aim in writing the gospel was that his readers “may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and...