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John 13-16 Recap

Throughout Lent, these daily blogs commented on the teaching in John 13-16 which Jesus gave to his disciples on the eve of his death. They were written in conjunction with six weekly studies for the churches in Saltburn. Tonight that course concludes by looking at the wonderful prayer which Jesus then went on to pray. This chapter (John 17) was described by William Temple as “perhaps the most sacred passage in the four Gospels”. In the coming week, this blog will unpack that prayer.


Before that, here is a very brief outline and recap of what Jesus says in chapters 13-16, about how his followers will be fruitful by living out his own life within us:


What? Loving one another as Jesus loves us (13:34-35).

How? Being in Jesus, just as Jesus is in the Father

Through the Holy Spirit (14:11, 16-17, 23 / 15:5, 9-10)

Where? Sent into the world, just as Jesus was sent (15:19; 16:7)


Jesus returned to the Father, so that he could send the Spirit to be with his followers everywhere. It’s the life of the Spirit within us that produces fruit – our part is to remain (or abide) in him, to live in relationship with Jesus. That’s what he wants for us, and that’s what he will now go on to pray for.

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