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The glory of the Son

This prayer is the climax of all that Jesus said to his disciples that night. Throughout the gospel, he has been moving towards the cross and now “the time has come” for him to die (1; 12:23; 13:1). For Jesus the cross would prove to be the place of greatest glory, both for him and for the Father (13:31).


Jesus is entitled to that glory, for God has given him authority over all people in order for him to give eternal life to those who believe i.e. those whom God has given to him (2; 3:35-36; 10:28-29). Eternal life is then defined – it’s about relationship with God and Jesus (3). This relationship will last for ever but the primary aspect is not its duration but that it’s the life of the eternal God – life in all its fullness (10:10), which begins even now through faith in Jesus (5:24).


By the whole of his work on earth Jesus had brought glory to the Father (4). This includes his work on the cross, his supreme glorification (5). In taking the nature of a human servant, he had to lay aside the glory which had always been his (1:1-3). But now through his exaltation on the cross, followed by his resurrection, that glory would be restored to him forever, “to the glory of God the Father” (Phil.2:9-11).

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