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Jesus delights in his disciples

Knowing that he is about to return to the Father, Jesus goes on to pray for his disciples. This small group represented the completion of his work on earth (4), and he knows that his departure will be very difficult for them. He has prepared them for this and reassured them that it’s both necessary and for their good (e.g. 16:7), so they need not be anxious (14:1; 27). But even so they were still struggling to understand and were about to desert him (16:31-32).


Which makes it all the more remarkable that Jesus prays for them not only with deep affection and gratitude but also with great confidence in their faith in him. They belong to him (6,9), because they have believed and accepted what he has revealed to them (7-8). Their faith and understanding are still very shaky, but their commitment is very real (6:66-69).


Consequently, says Jesus, “Glory has come to me through them” (10). Even though Jesus has all that belongs to the Father (10; 16:15) and the disciples were weak, their faith in Jesus honoured and pleased him. Bruce Milne comments: “This is a marvellous incentive to living for Christ, that he who has need of nothing may yet be glorified through our obedience and service”.

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