“Resolutely setting out”
Read Luke 9:51-62 . So far Luke’s Gospel has largely followed Mark but now Luke begins a long section with much material recorded only by...
“The least is the greatest”
Read Luke 9:43-50 . Those who saw Jesus heal the boy (9:37-42) “were all amazed at the greatness of God” (43). But once again Jesus...
“An unbelieving generation”
Read Luke 9:37-42 . Despite their recognition of Jesus as the Messiah the disciples still had much to learn. Just as Moses when he came...
“This is my Son – listen to him”
Read Luke 9:28-36 . This event directly follows the previous section (9:18-27). From the disciples’ perspective Jesus was “transfigured...
“Take up the cross daily”
Read Luke 9:23-27 . The disciples needed to understand that Jesus being the Messiah meant that he would have to die (9:18-22). But they...
“The Christ of God”
Read Luke 9:18-22 . The disciples’ recognition of Jesus as the Christ (i.e. the Messiah) is a key moment in all the gospels (Mt.16:13-23;...
“All ate and were satisfied”
Read Luke 9:10-17 . This story follows on from the disciples’ preaching mission (10; 9:1-6), with Jesus intending them to have some rest...
“Who then is this?”
Read Luke 9:7-9 . Luke has already mentioned that John the Baptist’s ministry ended with his imprisonment by Herod, the puppet ruler of...
“Preach the kingdom of God”
Read Luke 9:1-6 . In Matthew, the context for this passage is Jesus’s own mission – he went about everywhere “preaching the good news of...
“My child, get up”
Read Luke 8:49-56 . Meanwhile, news came that Jairus’s daughter had died, with the assumption that Jesus would not now be able to help...