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“This is my Son – listen to him”


This event directly follows the previous section (9:18-27). From the disciples’ perspective Jesus was “transfigured (changed) before them” (29; Mk.9:2). In fact the real transfiguration took place when Jesus entered this world, laying aside the glory and power which had been his since before the world began (Jn.17:5).


The story echoes that of Moses on Mount Sinai (Ex.34:29). For Moses the resulting glory was only temporary (2 Cor.3:7) but with Jesus his eternal glory was revealed. The appearance of Moses and Elijah points to Jesus as the one who would fulfil the Law and the Prophets (30; Mt.5:17). They spoke with Jesus about his death, literally his exodus, and said that it would be an accomplishment (31).


As on Mount Sinai the cloud symbolised God’s presence (34; Ex.24:15-18) but here the voice from the cloud bore God’s specific witness to Jesus as his beloved Son (35). So he is the one more than any other that people must listen to. The disciples were not permitted to speak about this event until he had risen from the dead (Mt.17:9). Even this story of Jesus being transfigured and glorified ends with another prediction of his suffering and death (Mt.17:12).

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