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“Take up the cross daily”


The disciples needed to understand that Jesus being the Messiah meant that he would have to die (9:18-22). But they also needed to realise that this pattern would apply to their own discipleship too, in three particular ways (23):


  • he must deny himself”. This means putting aside our own ambitions in order to do God’s will.

  • take up his cross”. For Jesus the cross meant suffering and shame and we too must be willing to experience such things for his sake. This is a choice which we must make “daily”.

  • follow me”. i.e. Follow his teaching, follow his leading, follow his will, and most of all follow that pattern of sacrificial service which took him to the cross.


This seems like the way of loss but it’s the only way to find true life (24; Lk.17:33; Jn.12:24-25). Only God’s kingdom will endure for ever and so to live for that kingdom is the only reasonable thing to do, however costly it might appear to be (25-26).


The section ends with an emphatic saying about that future coming of God’s kingdom (27; Mk.9:1). In Jesus, the kingdom was already present and advancing (Mt.12:28) and now three of the disciples were about to get a glimpse of his coming glory and power (Lk.9:28-36).


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