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“Resolutely setting out”


So far Luke’s Gospel has largely followed Mark but now Luke begins a long section with much material recorded only by him. He frames that as Jesus "resolutely" journeying towards Jerusalem, where he will be “taken up to heaven” (51; cf. 2 Kgs.2:1,11) – a reference to his death and resurrection that's already been mentioned several times in this chapter and which would be the fulfilment of his work (Lk.9:22, 31, 44).


The hostility between Jews and Samaritans meant that pilgrims travelling to Jerusalem via Samaria often experienced ill-treatment (53). James and John’s fiery response shows that they still had much to learn about the Christian way of responding to opposition (54; Mt.5:38-45). John, the apostle of love, had started out as a hot-headed “son of thunder” (Mk.3:17; 1 Jn.4:7-11, 19-21).


So following Jesus is a life-long process of learning from him and becoming like him. But what is required from the outset is wholeheartedness. It’s easy to say we’ll go with him anywhere (57) but if we’ve not counted the cost we’ll soon give up (Lk.8:13-14). Even with reasonable requests and duties Jesus challenges us to follow him resolutely (59,61; Mt.10:37-39).

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