The true vine
Read John 15:1-12 . The great theme of John’s gospel is that anyone who believes in Jesus receives eternal life i.e. the life of the age...
The way, the truth, the life
Read John 14:5-11 . The occasion of the final two “I am” sayings in John is the long section of teaching which Jesus gave to his...
The resurrection and the life
Read John 11:17-27 . In John 1-12 John selects seven of Jesus’s miracles as particular signs pointing to who Jesus is and to the life...
The good shepherd
Read John 10:7-18 . So Jesus is the gateway to salvation (7,9) but that’s only the beginning of the story, for salvation is a...
The gate for the sheep
Read John 10:1-10 . The next two “I am” sayings are in the same section and are connected through the theme of sheep and shepherd. In the...
The light of the world
Read John 8:12; 9:1-7 . The coming of Jesus brings the true light for all mankind (Jn.1:4-5,9). But light exposes sin and darkness and is...
The bread of life
Read John 6:25-35 . John 6 begins with two signs which point to Jesus as God. The miracle of the feeding of the five thousand (6:1-15)...
"Before Abraham was, I am"
Read John 8:56-59 . A distinctive characteristic of John’s gospel is the group of seven titles claimed by Jesus, all beginning with “I...
The authority of Jesus
Read Matthew 7:28-29 . What amazed the crowds was not only the teaching but also the teacher. “With quiet and unassuming assurance Jesus...
The one who is foolish
Read Matthew 7:26-27 . It’s a mistake to think that the wise builder represents Christians and the foolish builder unbelievers. Jesus...