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The authority of Jesus


What amazed the crowds was not only the teaching but also the teacher. “With quiet and unassuming assurance Jesus laid down the law for the citizens of God’s kingdom” (J.Stott). All who heard him were astounded that he spoke with such striking authority.


The Jewish religious teachers cited other teachers as their authority, but Jesus taught “as one who had authority”. He had come from God with the authority to speak on the Father’s behalf (Jn.7:28-29; 14:10,24). “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me,” he declared (Mt.28:18) – the authority to forgive sins (Mt.9:6-8), to drive out demons (Mk.1:27), to judge the world (Jn.5:27), and to give eternal life (Jn.17:2).


It’s because Jesus has such authority that he concludes the sermon by calling people to respond wholeheartedly, committing themselves to live out the lifestyle of God’s Kingdom which he has revealed (Mt.7:21-27). For all of us there are two key questions to answer: “Who is Jesus?” and “What then must we do?” If we conclude that Jesus is indeed “the Christ, the Son of the living God” then we can surely do no other than deny ourselves, take up the cross and follow him (Mt.16:16,24).

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