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The one who is foolish


It’s a mistake to think that the wise builder represents Christians and the foolish builder unbelievers. Jesus makes clear that both builders stand for those who “hear these words of mine” (24,26) i.e. church-going, Bible-reading people. The difference between the two groups is all in their response. Wise people are those who act on what Jesus says while foolish people are those who listen but don’t practise what they hear (Jas.1:22-25).


Twice in this final section of the Sermon Jesus has referred to the day when he will judge the world (7:19,22; Jn.5:22; 2 Cor.5:9-10). It’s folly to know what Jesus teaches and yet choose not to live by it because then we have no solid foundation in the storms of life (Ps.18:2) or for the coming day of judgement.


It’s God’s grace alone that saves us, not our good works. But a true response to grace results in “the obedience that comes from faith” (Rom.1:5) and the doing of the works God has prepared for us to do (Eph.2:8-10). The wise person builds on the foundation of Christ using gold and silver, not hay and straw, knowing that such work will pass the test on judgement day and will have enduring and eternal value (1 Cor.3:11-15).

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