“This is to my Father’s glory”
15:6-8 So the reason becomes apparent why some branches are fruitless and therefore cut off – it’s because they do not remain in the vine...
“Remain in me”
15:3-5 Though the Father prunes (literally cleanses) the living wood in order to produce maximum fruit (15:2), this is not the basis of...
Jesus, the true vine
15:1-2 In the Old Testament Israel is said to be God’s vine (Psalm 80:8-16; Isaiah 5:1-7; Jer.2:21). But these passages all speak of...
Overcoming the world
14:30-31 The word world refers to the planet we live on and also to those who live on it, humankind loved by God (3:16). But because...
“I am going to the Father”
14:28-29 The announcement by Jesus that he is about to leave them (13:33) has caused them great anxiety and consternation. So Jesus...
The Holy Spirit, our teacher
14:25-27 While he can, Jesus takes this opportunity to impress these profound truths on his disciples (25). But his departure won’t mean...
"We will make our home..."
14:22-24 The question in v22 shows that the disciples were still expecting that the revelation of Jesus would be something public. So the...
Love and obedience
14:21 Jesus’s own relationship with the Father is rooted in a love which leads to glad and willing obedience. He expresses this clearly...
The resurrection and you
14:18-20 So the Spirit will be sent by the Father once Jesus has completed his work on earth (7:39). Jesus is about to return to the...
With you and within you
14:15-17 Love and obedience will be a recurring emphasis in what Jesus teaches them that night, because these are key to living in union...