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Why John wrote his gospel

Towards the end of his gospel, John states clearly the reason why he has written it:

Jesus performed many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book. But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name” (John 20:30-31).

Rather than telling the story of Jesus, John wanted people to know the personal relevance of that story for themselves. He selects some of the many miracles which Jesus did and uses them as the framework for his message. The miracles, he says, are signs of the life which Jesus gives to everyone who believes in him.

That’s the message in the first part of John (chapters 2-12). Each section is introduced by a sign which is then followed by narrative that draws out its meaning and relevance for Christian believers. Weekly talks and daily readings with blog comments throughout Lent will take us through these chapters. You are warmly invited to use this material to engage with the life-giving message of Jesus.

The talks and blogs on John 2-12 start on Monday 15 February and then continue for each week of Lent. John lays the foundation for that In chpt.1. So there will be three readings and blogs on John 1, starting tomorrow.

The full schedule of daily readings and weekly talks is on the Lent 2021 page.

Click on BLOGS here or in the website menu to read the daily comment.



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