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8:31-47 Truth and freedom

March 12, 2021

The crowd of chapter 7 are no longer present. Only the Jews are referred to but now the meaning is broader than just those in authority as the reference to “the Jews who had believed him” indicates (31). These believers were lacking in true understanding of their spiritual need. The test of true faith is not the initial response but whether we continue in Jesus’s teaching (31). “Hold to” in Greek is meno, a word used forty times in this gospel. It means to remain, to abide, to live in (6:56; 15:4-10). To remain in him requires that we remain in his teaching.

Truth” is a key word in John’s gospel. Knowledge of the truth comes from God, and it is revealed to us by Jesus. He is “full of grace and truth” (1:14,17), indeed he is “the truth” (14:6). He is “the true light” (1:9), “the true bread” (6:32), “the true vine” (15:1). Therefore to know the truth is to know Jesus and that is to know God (1:18). This is the essence of eternal life (17:3). His teaching is therefore the truth, and so by continuing in it we will be set free from that which keeps us from eternal life (32).

Jesus emphasised (“Very truly”) that he was speaking about freedom from sin (34), which they needed just as much as anyone (37) and which Jesus, the Son, can give because he has come from the Father (35-36,38). They insisted that as descendants of Abraham, God was their father too (39,41). But their rejection of Jesus disproved this (39-40) – it showed that they were children not of God but of the devil, the father of murder and lies (41-44). Jesus is the truth (45-46), and those who belong to the father of lies are unable to accept and trust this (47).



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