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8:12-30 The light of life

March 11, 2021

John 8 is closely linked with John 7. Jesus is still in the temple (20) at the Feast of Tabernacles and that gives particular significance to his declaration, “I am the light of the world” (12). Light was another important feature of this festival, with four great lamps lit at night as a reminder of the time in the wilderness when God led the Israelites by a pillar of fire (Exod.13:21). Just as the ceremony of water-pouring was a sign pointing to Jesus, the water of life, so too these great lights in the temple were a sign that Jesus is the true light, not just of Israel, but of the whole world (1:9).

Light is a common Old Testament theme (Psalm 27:1; Isaiah 60:19-20). The light and the living water that the Messiah would bring are each referred to in Zechariah 14:6-8, a passage which was read at this Feast. Life and light are related (Psalm 36:9) and both are found in Jesus. He is the life who gives light (1:4) and the light who gives life (12). Just as the Israelites followed the pillar of fire in the wilderness, so believers must follow Jesus. In following him they will find both light and life from God in their daily living.

The Pharisees rejected his claims (13) and again Jesus emphasised that his witness was valid because of where (and who) he had come from (14,23; 5:36-37; 7:28-29). Their earthbound misunderstanding (15-19) was a matter of life or death (21), for Jesus had come from God (23) and was himself the “I am (ego eimi)” (24; 8:58). They asked the crucial question, “Who are you?” (25) but would not accept his answer (26-27). However, his death and resurrection would confirm that he is the “I am” in intimate relationship with the Father (28-29; 3:13-15).



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