6:16-24 The fifth sign
March 2, 2021
Read John 6:16-24
As in Matthew 14:22-27 and Mark 6:45-52, the feeding of the five thousand is here followed by the story of Jesus walking on the water to his disciples. Surprisingly, John does not tell us of their amazement or that they worshipped him as the Son of God (Mark 6:51; Matt.14:33). So why does John include this story? Just as he related the second and third signs consecutively to point to one theme (Jesus, the giver of life), in the same way the fourth and fifth signs are told together as part of the message of this chapter.
The message is that Jesus is the one who has come down from heaven with supernatural authority over creation and who alone therefore can give the food that enables people to live forever. This fifth sign confirms the message of the fourth and was given particularly to the disciples to demonstrate that though Jesus had refused an earthly crown he is truly king over everything in this world. Jesus is God who has power over the sea (Psalm 77:16-19), not just a second Moses appointed by God to lead the people through it (Psalm 77:20).
The words Jesus spoke to the disciples are significant: “It is I. Don’t be afraid.” (20). The Greek words translated “It is I” are ego eimi (as in 4:26). The primary meaning here is simply, “It’s me”, but for John these words echo the name of God (“I am who I am” Exod.3:14) and point to the deity of Jesus (8:58). They are an important element of his “I am” sayings, the first of which comes in this chapter: “I am the bread of life” (6:35,48). Even though the people are about to reject Jesus (6:66), the disciples don’t need to be afraid because he is indeed the Holy One of God (6:69).