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6:25-40 The bread of life

March 3, 2021

It’s not surprising that the people came looking for Jesus, the provider of a free meal (26). Nevertheless, Jesus emphatically (“Very truly”) rebuked them for being interested only in material things and for not considering the meaning of the sign they had seen. Their concern should have been for the spiritual food which has the lasting benefit of eternal life and which Jesus has been authorised to give (27). They wondered what works they must do to obtain this food but there is only one work which God requires: “to believe in the one he has sent “ (28-29).

The Jews in the wilderness had been fed by God with manna, bread from heaven (Exod.16:4; Neh.9:15). But Jesus, not manna, is “the true bread from heaven” (32). He is “the one who has come from heaven to give life to the whole world”(33). These people were hoping for more food for the body (34) but Jesus himself is “the bread of life”, the food by which they could have spiritual life. The three-fold repetition of this “I am” saying (6:35,48,51) emphasises both the truth and the importance of it.

The way to receive this food is by believing in Jesus (29) i.e. by coming to him and trusting him to give us his life (35). Doing that will result in true and lasting spiritual satisfaction (4:14). It is those whom the Father gives to Jesus who come to him and none who come will be rejected (37; 17:2). But we would not think to come to Jesus unless God first worked in our hearts. It is that which makes faith sure and certain. Eternal life, both in this life and at the resurrection on the last day, does not depend on our weak faith but on the firm foundation of God’s will (39-40).



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