Peace – in him
May 21, 2021
15:18 – 16:33 Sent into the world, just as Jesus was sent
Read John 16:33
This long section of farewell teaching to his disciples comes to a close with some words of great encouragement. Jesus knew that their abandonment of him would be only temporary and that they would go on to serve him with true faith. The reason for everything that he said to them that night was to equip them to carry on his work in the world. It was not going to be easy because, for certain, in this world his followers will experience trouble (15:18-20). But alongside that is an equally sure promise – in him we can have “peace”.
This peace, said Jesus, is “in me”. The central theme of these chapters has been our relationship with him – just as Jesus is in the Father, so too he intends us to be in him and to remain in him through his Holy Spirit (14:16-20; 15:4). By being in him, his life is in us and so, despite the inevitable difficulties and opposition of this world, we will be fruitful (15:5). The apostle Paul describes the first three aspects of the fruit of the Spirit as love, joy and peace (Gal.5:22) and all three of these qualities were specifically referred to by Jesus in his teaching to the disciples that night (14:27; 15:9,11-12).
The basis of this promise is his victory over the world and this victory was achieved through his death on the cross (12:31-32). Even though it had not yet taken place, the time for it had now come and the outcome was assured. By his death the lamb led to the slaughter became a triumphant lion (Isaiah 53:7; Rev.5:5-6). Those who believe in him share in “the victory that has overcome the world” because “the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world” (1 John 4:4, 5:4-5).