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It's good that Jesus went away

May 12, 2021

15:18 – 16:33 Sent into the world, just as Jesus was sent

This long section of teaching had begun with Jesus telling his disciples that he was leaving them (13:33) and they were still reeling from that bombshell. Preoccupied with grief, they failed to give serious consideration to where Jesus was going (5). Peter had asked that question but it was only a superficial enquiry (13:36) – he and all the disciples were far more concerned about the personal loss of Jesus leaving (6). It was sadness that stopped them thinking to ask the reason why he needed to leave them, but his going away was, in fact, for their benefit.

Jesus then told them emphatically (“very truly”) that his leaving was good news for them (7). “It is for your good that I am going away”, he said, because his going would result in the coming of “the Counsellor”, the Holy Spirit, sent by Jesus from the Father (7; 14:26; 15:26). It was not that Jesus and the Spirit couldn’t both be present together, for the Spirit was already at work in the ministry of Jesus (1:32; Acts 10:38). But the basis of the Spirit’s ministry throughout the world would be the death and resurrection of Jesus (7:39). On the day of Pentecost, Peter understood it: “Exalted to the right hand of God, he has received from the Father the promised Holy Spirit and has poured him out” (Acts 2:36).

It was necessary for Jesus to go away so that his mission through the disciples could be carried forward. This would be for the good of every Christian, for the Spirit is not bounded by a human body as Jesus was, and so he is able to be with all his followers, wherever in the world they may be, as “another Counsellor” like Jesus himself (14:16). Through his Spirit, he is with us always (Matt.28:20; Rom.5:5).



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