“It is the Lord!”
April 6, 2021
Read John 21:1-14
John has already reached the climax to his gospel (20:28-31). Nevertheless this final chapter is important. Just as the gospel began with a foundational chapter which includes the call of the disciples (1:35-51) so it ends with the risen Lord directing them onwards in their continuing discipleship with the risen Lord.
They had been told to return to Galilee (Matt.28:10) and it is no surprise that they went fishing because they would have needed something to eat (1-3). It was not a turning back to their old life but in obedience to his command they were waiting to meet with him, and this story tells of that meeting (4-6). As elsewhere, the risen Jesus was not immediately recognised until he did something that reminded them of him (20:14-16; Luke 24:16,30-35), in this case a miraculous catch of fish, just as when he had first called Peter and John right there on the same lake (Luke 5:1-11).
So they came to shore and met with Jesus (7-8). As usual Peter was in a hurry, but even he made sure that he was properly dressed!) Though this was the third time that Jesus had appeared to them since his resurrection (14), they were still in awe and wonder of such an event (12). By the simple act of preparing a meal for them and eating with them Jesus assured them of his continuing care and provision for them (9-10,13). The miraculous catch of fish also had symbolic meaning for their mission, for Jesus had called them “to fish for people” (Mark 1:16-18). On their own they would catch nothing (3; 15:5), but with his direction the catch would be great (6,11). John, with a fisherman’s precise interest, records the number to emphasise the largeness of it, and yet, this time, the net did not break (Luke 5:6).