“I am going to the Father”
April 29, 2021
14:1 – 15:17 Being in Jesus, just as Jesus is in the Father
Read John 14:28-29
The announcement by Jesus that he was about to leave them (13:33) caused the disciples great anxiety and consternation. So Jesus reassured them repeatedly that they should not be distressed by his departure because it will result in real benefit for them. He was going to prepare a home for them in heaven, and so that the Spirit can come and live within them on earth (14:2-3; 14:18-20). It was genuinely for their good that he was going away (16:7). However, the disciples should have rejoiced to hear that Jesus was returning to the Father not just for their own sakes, but for his too (28)!
In his life on earth Jesus had had to lay aside the glory which he had with the Father and accept a lowly human position, no longer equal with God (Phil.2:6-8). During that time he was still truly one with the Father (10:30; 14:10-11) and still truly God (1:14; 20:28), but as the obedient Son (4:34; 8:29) the Father was greater than him. By going back to the Father, he would be restored to the place of glory equal with the Father that was rightfully his. As he prayed later that evening, “Now, Father, glorify me in your presence with the glory that I had with you before the world began” (17:5).
So those who love Jesus should not only obey him (14:23) but should also be glad that he is no longer present in this world, because that means he is restored to his rightful position, exalted to the highest place with a name above all names – the Lord of all to whom one day every knee must bow (Acts 2:33-36; Phil.2:9-11). He tells them this so that their faith will be strengthened, not weakened, by the events which are about to unfold (29; 13:19).