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“Follow me”

April 7, 2021

The breakfast with all the disciples (21:1-14) leads on directly to Jesus speaking with Peter in particular (15). On the night Jesus was arrested, Peter had denied him three times (18:15-18,25-27). Now, in contrast, three times Jesus made Peter affirm both his faith and his love in a public act of restoration (15,16,17. Two different Greek words for “love” are used but the same meaning is intended – compare 3:35 & 5:20; 19:26 & 20:2). The question, “Do you truly love me more than these (others)?” was a humbling reminder of Peter’s proud boast that he would never fall away like the rest (Matt.26:33).

Each of Peter’s three affirmations of love for Jesus were followed by a commission to service. The sheep who Jesus had died for (10:11) would need taking care of when Jesus returned to heaven. Peter’s restoration was not just for his personal benefit, but so that he could work with Jesus in shepherding the flock (1 Pet.5:2-4). That service would be costly, as Jesus then emphasised (“very truly”) in a prophecy that Peter too would be crucified (18-19). From start to finish, the call of Jesus to Peter (and to all believers) is to take up the cross and “follow me” (19; 1:37,40; Mark 1:17; 8:34).

Peter was curious to know what would happen to his friend, John (20-21). But each believer’s calling is a personal matter between them and God. The important thing for everyone is that we follow Jesus (22). This remark had caused later misunderstanding which John then corrects (23). Finally, the authenticity of the gospel is affirmed by emphasising that the gospel is based on John’s own testimony and can therefore be trusted (24). For the writer was none other than “the disciple whom Jesus loved” who knew well what Jesus had said and done (25; 20:2,8; 20:30-31).



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