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Conviction about sin

May 13, 2021

15:18 – 16:33 Sent into the world, just as Jesus was sent

There are two particular outcomes of Jesus returning to heaven and sending the Spirit. Through the Spirit, Jesus will be able to be with his followers for ever (14:16) and he will also be able to continue his mission on earth. In particular, the Spirit will help the disciples in the work of making known the good news of Jesus. The saying here (8) is a continuation of what Jesus had just said to them about the Spirit testifying about him, through the witness of the disciples (15:26-27). His work will be to “convict the world”.

The meaning of the word convict is indicated in 3:20 where the sense is of deeds being exposed. So the Holy Spirit will expose the wrong thinking of people in three particular regards: sin, righteousness, and judgement. At the same time, he will show people the true meaning of each of these (15:9-11). This is why Jesus referred to him three times that night as “the Spirit of truth” (14:17; 15:26; 16:13). The Spirit is “the Counsellor” who comes alongside us to help us, and he helps particularly by revealing truth to us, both about ourselves and about Jesus who is the Truth (8:31-32; 14:6).

Firstly, he will bring conviction of sin (9). The basic meaning of sin is that people don't believe the truth which God has revealed through Jesus (1:11; 3:19; 15:22). “The world hates me,” said Jesus, “because I testify that what it does is evil” (7:7). The Spirit will continue to bring people to a response either for or against Jesus, with the intention that they will recognise their sin. The Spirit – like Jesus – graciously does this because they do not believe in Jesus or see their need for him. Conviction about sin is the starting point for receiving him and coming to know him.



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