Advent Trail December 6th - Isaiah 7:14
Therefore, the Lord himself will give you a sign: the virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel. (Isaiah 7:14)
Both Matthew and Luke make clear that Jesus’s birth came about in a miraculous way. Before Mary and Joseph had any sexual union, “she was found to be with child through the Holy Spirit” (Matt.1:18). Joseph assumed that Mary must have been unfaithful, but an angel reassured and convinced him that “what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit” (Matt.1:20).
Matthew sees in this a specific fulfilment of this verse from Isaiah, which he quotes in full (Matt.1:22-23). It’s yet another Old Testament prophecy pointing to the uniqueness of Jesus. The virgin birth of Jesus may sound fanciful but from the outset it was an important “sign” that he was no ordinary child. It tells us that though Jesus was truly human he was also truly divine, both God and man in one person. It’s this which uniquely qualifies him to “save his people from their sins” (Matt.1:21).
The virgin birth is a sign too that in Jesus God has come into this world, as indicated by the name given to the child in Isaiah’s prophecy, “Immanuel”. Matthew tells us that this Hebrew word “means ‘God with us’”. The one who was “with God” – and who himself “was God” – has taken on human form (John 1:1-2,14) and become one “with us”. That’s the heart of the Christmas story and the Christmas message.
To listen to the Advent Carol "O come, o come, Immanuel", click here
(Sung by Becky Rhodes, Keyboard player Steve Rhodes)