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Advent Trail December 10th - Luke 1:29-30

Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered what kind of greeting this might be. But the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, you have found favour with God.” (Luke 1:29-30)

What was it that troubled Mary and made her afraid? Not the fact of an angel coming to her – that probably sounds scary enough but it may not even have been obvious for it’s possible “to entertain angels without knowing it” (Heb.13:2; Gen.18:1-15). Rather, it was “his words” that disturbed her and made her wonder “what kind of greeting this might be”.

The greeting had emphasised God’s great grace and favour to her – wonderful words but why had she been singled out to receive this message? It was clear that something profoundly important was implicit in the greeting, something which was scarcely suited to her humble position and unworthiness. So Gabriel reassures her that she has indeed “found favour with God”. It is solely by God’s grace that she has been chosen for a special task and role.

Therefore, whatever that task will be, she need not be afraid. Yes, it will be daunting and will bring with it much personal heartache (Luke 2:34-35). But her destiny is not only in God’s hands, it is also his gift of grace to her. And for all who take up the cross to follow Jesus, it’s “the word of his grace” which is the basis of trust and the answer to all our fears (Acts 20:32; Psalm 55:4). For “if God is for us, who can be against us?” (Rom.8:31-32).



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