9:1-12 The sixth sign
March 15 , 2021
Read John 9:1-12
Chapters 9 and 10 form another unified section introduced by a sign. This story of a man born blind takes place soon after the Feast of Tabernacles and the thought continues from the previous section. In particular, the claim that Jesus is the light of the world is repeated. The healing itself is described in just two verses and then the rest of the chapter explains the meaning of the sign – Jesus brings light to those who are spiritually blind but those who will not come to his light are the ones who are truly blind.
It was popular to assume that the cause of human suffering was some sin which that person had committed (1-2). The book of Job had long since refuted this idea and here Jesus denied it too (3a). Suffering is a mystery. We cannot explain it, but we can affirm that God is able to use it (3b). And God can help us, because in Jesus he entered our world, sharing in our suffering, bringing light into our darkness (Heb.2:14-18). Jesus calls us to work with him in this mission (4). A practical response to suffering is more important than a theoretical solution.
The words “I am the light of the world” (5; 8:12) point us to the meaning of the sign that follows. Jesus’s use of spittle and mud in this healing was very unusual (6) and no explanation is given. The healing did not result from this mud but from washing it off in the pool of Siloam (7,11), and that’s the significant detail. John tells us that Siloam means “sent”, a clear reminder that Jesus is “the one God has sent” (4; 4:34; 6:29; 8:29; plus twenty more times in John’s gospel). It was Jesus, not the mud, who was the cause of this man’s healing.