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4:43-54 The second sign

February 22, 2021

This second sign will be followed immediately with the third (5:1-9a). John tells them together because they are both particularly relevant to the theme of Jesus the life-giver n this section (5:19-47). Jesus was popular in Galilee (43,45) but, as in Jerusalem, Jesus knew that people were mainly interested in his miracles, not in why he had come (45; 2:23-24; 6:26). This is the reason for his stern reply to the official who came seeking healing for his son (48; “you” is plural). His miracles were not just wonders; they were also signs pointing to who Jesus is.

So, despite the official’s superficial understanding, Jesus healed his son. The meaning of the sign is found in the verb to live which occurs three times in this passage (50,51,53) and which stands in sharp contrast with death (47,49). It points too to Jesus as the one through whom such life is possible. This second sign, like the first, took place at Cana (46; 2:11), and by it the meaning of that first sign is more clearly understood. It is not things (water) that Jesus came to change. Rather he came to give life to people as good as dead.

This sign also shows that faith is how that life is received, just as John has already emphasised (1:12; 3:15-18,36; 4:41- 42). Jesus gave to the official only the promise that his son would live but the official “took Jesus at his word” (50). True faith is not dependent on miracles (48) but on believing that the word of God is true and acting upon it. The miracle itself then became a sign with deep meaning for true faith in Jesus, for it was only after the healing had taken place that “he and his household believed” (53) i.e. they recognised that Jesus was the promised Messiah.

(Throughout Lent, the speaking team at Emmanuel Church is recording a weekly talk on the theme "Jesus, the Source of Life", based on the six sections in John 2-12. The second talk, "Jesus, the Son of God who gives life" (4:43 - 5:47), by Rev. Ian Guy is now available. Click Talk 2 to listen to it.)



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