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So draw near to God

Today's reading Hebrews 10:19-25


Today’s blog

Since we have a great priest over the house of God, let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and in full assurance of faith” (Hebrews 10:21-22)


Entering into the presence of God is both an awesome privilege and a terrifying prospect. Think of Isaiah’s reaction to the Lord’s holiness – he was overwhelmed by the awareness of his own uncleanness until his guilt was taken away (Is.6:1-7). Yet this is what Jesus has made possible for us to do, freely, wonderfully, safely. “We have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way” (19-20).


Those verses sum up the message of Part 1 of Hebrews, and they thus form the basis for the response which Part 2 calls us to make. Jesus is a high priest who “meets our need” (7:26), Through his blood, our guilty conscience has been made clean so we need no longer be overcome by God’s holiness (9:14; 10:10). The door is open wide for us to come to him, still with “reverence and awe” (12:28) but confidently drawing near to the throne of grace (4:16).


So let’s do that! Let’s not be slow to make full use of this amazing opportunity. After all, that’s what Jesus wants us to do, that’s why he died. “Through him we have access to the Father by one Spirit” (Eph.2:18). Which is worse – to be barred from God’s presence or to have the right of access to it yet not bother to come? Let’s never take prayer for granted. Instead, let’s draw near to God, gladly and often, “in full assurance of faith” because of what Jesus has done.

(To dig a bit deeper into Hebrews 10:19-25 click here for some commentary notes.)

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