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We have a great high priest

Today's reading Hebrews 4:14-16


Today’s blog

Therefore, since we have a great high priest who gone through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess.” (Hebrews 4:14)


This verse introduces the next section of Hebrews which is about Jesus being a high priest on our behalf. The writer has already mentioned this theme when writing about the humanity of Jesus (2:17; 3:1). The idea of priesthood was familiar to his Jewish Christian readers, less so to us, but it’s a ministry which we need and which Jesus alone could provide.


The Old Testament priests were mediators between God and the people. They pointed to the need for such mediation but they were unable to provide it. A better and more effective priesthood was needed for forgiveness to be possible and for a way into God’s presence to be opened to us. The earthly high priests went through the curtain into the Most Holy Place once each year, but Jesus – the Son of God in human form – uniquely has “gone through the heavens”, into the very presence of God.


And that means that through him we are able to do the same – we have access to God the Father (4:16; 10:19; Eph.2:18). What wonderful news! It’s surely an opportunity not to be missed, though often we are slow and hesitant to take advantage of it. The faith we profess is that we are now able to “approach the throne of grace with confidence” through what Jesus our high priest has done for us. Let’s not just profess it, let’s do it, gladly and often. The best way to avoid turning away from the living God (3:12) is to turn to him each day.


(To dig a bit deeper into Hebrews 4:14-16 click here for some commentary notes.)

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