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How to avoid unbelief

Today's reading Hebrews 4:12-13


Today’s blog

For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword... it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” (Hebrews 4:12)


The only way we can avoid unbelief is through “the word of God”. “For” shows that there’s a connection with the previous verse – the answer to unbelief is to take seriously what God has revealed to us. His word is “living”. It’s the word of life because it reveals God who is the source of all life, seen most clearly in Jesus (Jn.1:4,14; Jn.6:63; 1 Jn.1:1). And it is “active” because it provides us with the power and direction we need to follow Jesus (Is.55:11; Rom.10:17).


It does that by reaching deep into our inner being. God knows what we are really like and how easily our human nature causes us to sin. So his word acts like a sharp sword (Eph.6:17; Rev.1:16) which is able to cut through our stubbornness and unbelief, enabling us to recognise “the thoughts and attitudes of the heart”, so that we don’t harden our hearts towards God (3:7,12). When the heart is right, then right living will flow from it (Mt.12:33-35).


The same point is then made in a different way (4:13). The fact is that God knows all about us and we are “uncovered” (literally naked) before him (Rom.14:12). This is why he gives us his word; not to expose us to him (for he knows already what we are like) but to expose us to ourselves. God wants us to enter his rest, not his judgement, and so through his word he helps us, warns us, strengthens us, and turns us from our rebellion.


(To dig a bit deeper into Hebrews 4:12-13 click here for some commentary notes.)

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