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The true grace of God


Peter’s final greetings contain rich content. He has written to encourage them in their struggles and to assure them that “this is the true grace of God” (12) i.e. the work of God and the way of life he has described is all by God’s grace and can be relied on. Grace is not just a greeting (1:2) – it’s the basis of our life as God’s people. The call to holy living (1:15) is only possible “through Jesus Christ” (2:5) and what he has done for us (2:24).


On this foundation of grace we can “stand firm in the faith” when we are tested (9), knowing that even when our hearts condemn us “the God of all grace” (10) is greater than our hearts (1 Jn.3:20) and that through Jesus “we have peace with God and have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand” (Rom.5:1-2). So “stand fast in it”, right to the end.


Babylon is a code word for Rome and the Christians there are also chosen by God (13; 1:1). By grace, “all who are in Christ” (14) have the immense privilege of being “a chosen people, a people belonging to God” (2:9). So keep on coming to Christ in order to be built together as living stones into a spiritual house characterised by love and by peace (14; 1:22; 2:4-5; 2 Cor.13:11-12).

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