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Resist the devil


Suffering in some way for the sake of Christ is the experience of all Christians everywhere (8) and so there is always need to be “self-controlled and alert” i.e. vigilantly on the watch for spiritual danger and temptation (8; 1:13; 4:7; Mt.26:21). Behind all our struggles we have an enemy who is constantly looking for ways to destroy us when we are off-guard.


The Bible is clear that the devil is a personal spiritual being in active rebellion against God and God’s work (Mt.13:37-39; Jn.8:44). He tried hard to subvert Jesus (Lk.4:1-13) and all who follow Jesus will likewise be tempted to go astray. Dangerous as he is, there is no need to fear him for he is a defeated foe (1 Jn.3:8; Heb.2:14). But we do need to resist him.


Humble submission to God and reliance on his grace are the key to that (6-8; cf. Jas.4:6-7). We need to be alert so that we are not caught out by his schemes (2 Cor.2:11) and so give him some foothold in our lives (Eph.4:27). But “the one who is in you is greater” (1 Jn.4:6); therefore resist him in the Lord’s strength, putting on all the spiritual resources which are given to us (Eph.6:10-17). “With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying” (Eph.6:18).

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