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Grace to the humble


Peter next addresses young men (5) but “in the same way” indicates that it’s still about caring relationships in the flock. Young people are the group most likely to go their own way (Lk.15:11-12) so he urges them “to be submissive”. But this is not exclusive to them – it’s been a main theme of the letter (2:13) and is applicable to “all of you”, because “humility towards one another” is the key to that happening.


That’s essential spiritually, not just socially. Pride is a reliance on ourselves, in pursuit of our own glory, and God is always opposed to that (Prov.16:18; Is.2:11; Lk.1:51; 1 Jn.2:16). For it to be replaced with humility we need God’s grace (5b; Jas.4:6; Eph.1:6-7). “Therefore” – because of both his opposition and his grace – “humble yourselves” (6). The starting point for humility is for us to cry to God for his mercy and his help (Lk.14:11; 18:13).


In doing so, we exchange reliance on ourselves for reliance on God – v.6 & 7 are the same sentence in Greek. Almighty God can be trusted to work for our good (6) and so we can bring all our needs to him, secure in his care (7; Ps.55:22; Mt.6:32-34). Pride will rebel against doing that, but it’s how we put on humility.

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