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Refiner’s fire


A further reason for rejoicing in our sufferings is that they are part of God’s good purpose in our lives. The judgment here is not of condemnation – in Christ we are free from that (Rom.8:1) – but of purification. Through the refining fire of our trials, our faith is prepared for glory (1:6-7).


So “painful trials” should not surprise or perplex us (4:12). God uses them to build us into “a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood” (2:5; house is the same word translated family in 4:17). Malachi had foreseen the day of the Lord’s coming to his temple as a day of judgement – “Who can endure it? For he will be like a refiner’s fire. He will purify the Levites (priests). Then he will have people who will bring righteous offerings, acceptable to him” (Mal.3:1-4).


So refining fire is a blessing for believers, even though at the time it is painful and unwelcome (Heb.12:11-12). But for those outside Christ’s saving work – “those who do not obey the gospel of God” – it can only be the fire of destruction. This calls us to “worship God acceptably with reverence and awe” (Heb.12:28-29), because one day the quality of our service will be tested and “revealed with fire” (1 Cor.3:11-15).

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