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The Spirit of glory


So to suffer for Christ is to share in his sufferings and that is both a privilege and a blessing (14). The blessing is both present and future. It’s a present blessing to bear Christ’s name and be counted worthy of suffering for him (16; Mt.5:11; Acts 5:41). And that brings too the promise that “great is your reward in heaven” (Mt.5:12).


This reward is the inheritance which makes all our trials worthwhile (1:4-7) and which motivates us to return insult with blessing, “so that you may inherit a blessing” (3:9). It’s the promise that if we share in his sufferings we will also share in his far-surpassing glory (Rom.8:17-18). Our assurance of this is the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives now.


It’s “Christ in you” which is “the hope of glory” (Col.1:17). Paul says that the Spirit is the firstfruits of the glory to come (Rom.8:23-24) – even now, the Spirit is changing us “into his likeness with ever-increasing glory” (2 Cor.3:18). Likewise, Peter writes that the Spirit of God is “the Spirit of glory” who “rests on you” when you suffer for Christ (14). In our trials, the glory of God which was once found in the temple now dwells with his faithful people (2:5; Eph.2:22).

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