Using spiritual gifts
Read 1 Peter 4:10-11
“Gift” (10) in Greek is charisma, from charis, the word for grace. This short passage about spiritual (charismatic) gifts deals very practically with that topic:
Gifts are given to “each one”, “in various forms” (10). We have different gifts, but all are gifted (1 Cor.12:4-6).
They are given by “God’s grace” (10; Rom.12:6), not earned or deserved so we cannot boast about them (1 Cor.4:7)
Gifts are for “use” (10) – they are tools for a purpose, not toys for our pleasure.
They are to be used “to serve others” (10) – an expression of Christian love (4:8).
Our part is to be “faithful stewards” of the gifts he has entrusted to us (10; Lk.12:42).
They are how God works through us – in everyday conversation look to God to speak through you (11. What a down-to-earth understanding of prophecy! cf. Rom.12:6; 1 Cor.12:10).
Spiritual gifts are useless without reliance on “the strength God provides” (11; Zech.4:6; Col.1:29).
The objective is not for us to impress people with "our" gifts but “that in all things God may be praised” (11; cf. Jn.16:14).
So don’t think you’re not gifted! Each day offer yourself to God for his service and then trust him to work and speak through you.