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Strong to the end


Just as earth history had a beginning, so too it will have an end. That end will be ushered in by the day of judgement, and it’s Peter’s mention of that in v.5 which prompts his comment that “the end of all things is near” (7). With the coming of Christ, all the important events in God’s plan of salvation have taken place, so the end could happen at any time. No one knows when, but we need always to live in that expectation (Mk.13:26,32,35; 2 Pet.3:8-13).


This leads to a “therefore”, a call to keep living faithfully for Jesus, “to persevere to the end” despite the frequent struggles and the temptation to give up (Mk.13:13). As we do so, waiting for Jesus to be revealed, he promises to keep us “strong to the end” so that we can stand secure in him on the day of judgement (1 Cor.1:7-9).


With that goal clear in our minds (7; 2 Tim.1:7), we will keep on living the way of Jesus, expressed particularly in prayer towards God and sincere love towards one another (8; 2:5; 1:22). God-empowered love will result both in the overlooking of faults instead of resentment (8; Heb.12:15; Gal.5:13-15) and the sharing of practical care and hospitality, gladly and without grumbling (9; 2 Cor.8:4).

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