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Judgement and the gospel


It’s because God will judge all people (5) that the gospel must be preached, for the gospel is the power of God to save from judgement those who believe (Rom.1:16). Jesus has been given God’s authority both to judge and to give eternal life – whoever believes in him “will not be condemned; they have crossed over from death to life” (Jn.5:22,24).


So it does not matter that believers have now died, for the gospel wasn’t intended to save them from physical death. All human beings (except those alive when Christ returns) must die – that’s the fate of everyone “according to the body”. But those who die in Christ still live because in the spirit they share in the life of God. “As in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive” (1 Cor.15:22).


This escape from judgement won’t be universal – “all” means all who are in Christ (Acts 4:12; Rom.2:4-5; Heb.2:3). This is why people need to know about judgement, to see their need of the gospel (Acts 17:30-31; 24:25). And for believers, the prospect of that day motivates us (2 Cor.5:10) and encourages us (2 Th.1:5). On judgement day, those who scoff now will give an account to God, whilst those who trust in Christ will receive their reward.

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