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Why live to do God’s will?


Sinful behaviour can be very tempting. These various examples of human passions (3) are typical of what the world sees as having a good time but they represent the “empty way of life” which we have been rescued from by Christ’s death (1:18). So why would we want to turn back to that which cannot satisfy when we are now free to do God’s good and perfect will (Is.55:1-2; Rom.12:2)?


Unbelievers can’t understand why suffering is preferred to sin, hence their mockery of those who put costly obedience to Christ before sensual enjoyment (4). But those whose minds are set on “things above, not earthly things” (Col.3:2) value eternal joys and heavenly rewards above enjoyment of the “fleeting pleasures of sin” (Heb.11:24-26; Mt.6:20-21).


For the way of sin is not only empty it also leads to spiritual death (Mt.7:13; Rom.6:23). All of us must one day face God’s judgement, “to give account” of how we have lived (5; Mt.12:36; Acts 17:31; Heb.9:27). “Jesus rescues us from the coming wrath" (1 Th.1:10; Jn.5:24), which is why we trust him as our Saviour and live for him as our Lord. “The world and its desires pass away, but the one who does the will of God will live for ever” (1 Jn.2:17).

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