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Living under Christ’s lordship (part 2)


So by repentance and faith in Jesus we have died to sin and now live a new life under his lordship – “the old has gone, the new has come!” (2 Cor.5:15,17). Something radical has taken place – we are no longer slaves to sin (Rom.6:6-7) but are free to make different choices so that we no longer live our lives on earth “for human passions but for the will of God” (2).


This is the importance of arming ourselves with the same attitude as Christ in regard to suffering for doing right (1). For though in Christ our sin has been dealt with legally once and for all, this ought to result in a daily dying to sin in the choices we make. The old self has been replaced with the new self – “therefore put to death whatever belongs your earthly nature” and instead clothe yourself with holiness and love (Col.3:5-14).


In order to do that, we must recognise how utterly inappropriate it is that we who have died to sin should still live in it (Rom.6:2). Then, “count yourself dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus” i.e. remind yourself of that reality and offer yourself to God to do his will (Rom.6:11-13). Following Jesus requires taking up the cross “daily” (Lk.9:23). Arm yourself with that attitude.

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