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With gentleness and respect


Telling people why we believe in Jesus is important but so too is the way that we do it. We must not try and force our views on people or thrust the bread of life down their throats! Rather, our witness to Jesus must always be done “with gentleness and respect” (15) if we are to win the person and not just an argument.


Peter has already urged Christian wives to win their husband “without words” by their “gentle and quiet spirit” (3:1,4). When the opportunity to speak arises, then the same gentle spirit is needed in order to communicate the good news of him who said, “Come to me and I will give you rest... For I am gentle” (Mt.11:28-29). Once again, we see that gentleness is a quality of Christlikeness required in us all (Gal.5:23).


Such gentleness leads to good conduct (Jas.3:13) and that’s essential if our words are to have meaning. We can’t be perfect but we must do all we can to “keep a clear conscience” (16). Hypocrisy is fatal to Christian witness. Conversely, when Christ is Lord in our hearts and we live close to him in humble trust and obedience, then people will see at least something of the truth of God in us so that their hearts are softened towards him (2:12; Jn.15:5).

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