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Set apart Christ as Lord


Believing that Jesus is Lord is central to Christian faith. This was Peter’s message at Pentecost (Acts 2:36) – by his resurrection Jesus was shown to be the Lord, with ultimate power and authority, and thus equal with God. (The same Greek word kurios is used in the New Testament for both God and Jesus e.g. Acts 2:20,21,25,34,36.)


The only proper response to his lordship is to submit ourselves to him in repentance and faith (Acts 2:38), confessing him as Lord both with our mouths and with our hearts (Rom.9:9-10; Ph.2:9-11). Peter here makes the same emphasis – it’s “in your hearts” that Jesus must be Lord. Persecution happens out of people’s unwillingness to do that, and their resistance to him can turn into resistance to his people (Acts 22:4-8; 26:14-15; Jn.15:20).


But because he is our Lord, we do not need to be afraid when persecution arises (3:14). He has promised to give us the words to say in those situations (Lk.12:11-12; 21:12-15). Even better, he has promised to be with us and guard us, come what may (2 Tim.4:17-18). Just as the Lord overcame the world’s opposition so too can we, with peace in our hearts because that’s where Jesus reigns (Jn.16:33; 1 Jn.4:4).

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